If you’re into a more natural way to scent your home, there are all kinds of ways to go about this. For example, if you have a wooden or stone stove that you love but don’t want it to be constantly „ticking“ like a microwave or a grill, you can add essential oils and colognes to its base. This allows you to add your own scent, instead of one that’s so strongly-associated with a specific part of your house. Of course, this also takes up more space and adds extra step to your home scenting routine.

Checklist for a fresh smell in your home - A clean air is essential

If you want to really „spruce up“ your home, a great place to start is with your home’s flooring. Smell your floors throughout the day you’ll likely notice the scent that’s currently associated with your living space. If you’re a believer in this, you can simply go ahead and replace whatever flooring in your home that smells the most, or take on a „smelly floor“ challenge to change the color or smell of your flooring.

Use a Natural Smell for Your Home’s Exterior If you’d rather stay within your comfort zone with your home’s scenting, but don’t want to change the scent of the outside of your home to match the smell of your home’s interior, you can also try using natural home smells for your exterior. While you don’t need to smell your home to make this choice, it’s probably best if you do. When we look at the different scents of your home, we recognize that each one has a different feeling to them. However, when it comes to the smell of your home, we know that it’s difficult to have a great sense of the scent of each and every room in your home. Therefore, it’s best to do your research fist to see what scent you like the most, we suggest to start to start to learn about scent diffusion and hw to use them.

Veröffentlicht von Mario Sixtus

Filmer, Autor, Journalist

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Autor: Mario Sixtus